You don't have to dig deep to find the freshest potatoes and onions. Find out below on where you can purchase our conventional and organic crops.

We know our conventional and organic potatoes inside and out. Contact us to discuss your potato needs with a Kroeker Farms team member.

Kroeker Farms’ very own store in Winkler, Manitoba, serves up fresh, local produce all year long. We proudly support our neighbouring small farms, providing our customers with produce that carries high standards of Manitoba grown quality and freshness.
The Potato Store
715 Circle K Drive
Winkler, MB R6W 0K7
email thepotatostore@kroekers.com
phone 1.204.331.3150

A grower-owned “not for profit” vegetable supplier. Peak of the Market operates in Manitoba and distributes the full range of Kroeker Farms products.

EarthFresh is a Canadian market leader with the largest stock of exclusive potato varieties in North America. Specializing in supplying the food service and retail industries with premium potatoes and onions, Earth Fresh is partnering with Kroeker Farms to deliver on our united vision of feeding more using less by focusing on protecting and preserving our natural resources.

Naleway Foods is the largest processor of perogies in Canada. They also produce a wide range of private label and branded products in the frozen food sector.
HZPC Americas Corp.
SPGAM – Seed Potato Growers Association of Manitoba
SSPGA – Saskatchewan Seed Potato Growers Association
OPAM – Organic Producers Association of Manitoba
ICS – International Certification Services
KVPA – Keystone Vegetable Producers Association
WPC – Western Potato Council
CHC – Canadian Horticultural Council
Lethbridge Research Centre
Western Grocers
Peak of the Market
Earth Fresh
Thomas Fresh